
Derek G. Pike & Co. Limited (Pikes), which has held the Peugeot franchise in Rotherham for the past twenty years is under new ownership following a Management Buy-In. The new proprietor is Chris Matthewman, who has worked in the retail motor trade for nearly 20 years, the last 7 of which as dealership manager in Peugeot franchises in Sheffield, Bradford and Shipley.

Kevan Shaw acted as lead advisor on the acquisition by Chris Matthewman. Pikes, which has been re-branded as “Matthewmans” since the acquisition, was established in the mid 1960’s. The dealership encompasses two showrooms, a seven-bay service centre, a bodyshop and parts department.

The acquisition of Pikes has come at an ideal time for Chris Matthewman, with Peugeot currently undertaking an overhaul of its range of cars.

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