Mastering the art of dealmaking

Gaining recognition from their peers and high calibre panel of judges, who have exceptional experience within the Corporate Finance market, the firm was recognised for the quality and complexity of the work that we continue to deliver to our clients.

Established in 2009 Castle Square delivers national and international transactions from its headquarters in South Yorkshire. Led by Kevan Shaw the firm begins every transaction with a clear understanding of the motivations of our clients and the key drivers within the business. This work allows us to form a realistic view on the deliverability of a transaction. Undertaking this work means we won’t commit to a transaction unless we are confident that it can be delivered and it is this proactive advice that underpins our success and continued development of our exceptional pipeline of work.

Director, Kevan Shaw stated “Whilst we are pleased to gain recognition for the Management Buy-Out of Red Industries and the Management Buy-In/Buy-Out of Precision Technologies, every transaction is important as it involves working with people at transformational points in their commercial life. Each project is unique and this is why we invest significant time and resource to the key planning stage”.


Throughout each deal we utilise our knowledge gained through the planning process to present the opportunity in the most appropriate manner, gaining support at an early stage from funders or potential acquirers, of the deliverability of each transaction and providing confidence to our clients.

Actively working with management we keep up to date with current trading and monitor performance versus expectations. Within every deal we actively manage issues as and when they arise providing proactive advice, identifying practical solutions for each client.

Incorporating the key issues into our plans at an early stage and working closely with other professionals throughout the transaction allows us to manage each deal to a successful conclusion. The Director led service and the practical, proactive advice is the main reason why Castle Square continues to be successful on a national and international stage.

The funding markets remaining buoyant, including Private Equity Firms with new funds to invest and banks looking to support existing and new to bank propositions. Following our success at the prestigious Insider Dealmaker Awards we continue into the new-year with an exceptional pipeline of work, driven by ambitious management teams and acquisitive companies.

The opportunities for Castle Square arise from our network of contacts established over the last 20 years and reflects the forward thinking, practical advice we deliver. Kevan Shaw says “Built on the foundation of the initial stages of our work we understand the motivation behind each transaction and identify the key points at the outset to ensure we continue to successfully deliver each and every deal for our clients.

We continue to invest in staff and resource, recently expanding our team and continue to have an exceptional pipeline of work, and so I expect Castle Square to go from strength to strength.”



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